The Three Issues Facing Cats Today:

  • Neglection

    A staggering 3.4 million cats enter shelters annually, with only 37% finding forever homes. This isn't just a shelter issue – even cats with homes can be neglected due to busy owners. It's not just about playtime – many cat owners underestimate the power of interactive toys, which are essential for both a cat's mental and physical well-being.

  • Euthanization

    A grim reality: every year, a staggering 1.4 million cats are euthanized instead of finding loving homes. This is especially disheartening considering only 1.3 million cats are adopted from shelters annually. In other words, more cats lose their lives than find salvation. This alarming trend needs to be addressed.

  • Lack of Exercise

    Studies by veterinarians reveal a concerning trend: 70% of cats lack the exercise needed for good health. We're committed to tackling these issues head-on. We believe we can make a significant impact and influence positive change for cats everywhere.

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What are we doing to help?

We're passionate about feline well-being! That's why we offer high-quality, interactive, and fun toys designed to banish boredom and promote both physical and mental health in your cat, ultimately leading to increased happiness for your furry friend. And to fuel our mission, we reinvest a portion of our profits to make a difference in even more feline lives.

Interactive Toys

What are we doing with the proceeds?

60 percent of our net profits will be spent to help the issues listed above get resolved.

  • 10 percent will be donated to non- profits and shelters helping cats
  • 50 percent will be reinvested into spreading awareness

*Net profits denote our annual earnings following deduction of all operational expenses, as documented in our tax filings.